ARTI SRIVASTAVA brings her unique global background and experience to the Veterans Memorial & Support Foundation Advisory Board.

Arti Srivastava grew up and achieved her formal education in India where she developed award winning multilingual fluency in English and Hindi languages. A travel career which complemented her multi-lingual skills followed and positioned her to become extraordinarily knowledgeable and appreciative for geographic regions and the multi-faceted cultures within Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa. Finally, Arti is an experienced wealth manager with northern California arms of several nationwide banks. With more than two decades in northern California, she has built an extensive network within the Palo Alto and Hillsborough geographies, particularly within the Indian American community. Her global knowledge and multi-cultural appreciation bring a positive worldly perspective and vital intelligence to every conversation.

Arti’s banking expertise combined with her extensive network has served to be a powerhouse in generating charitable funds for non-profit concerns. As a valued Hillsborough resident, Arti has been a sparkplug for the Hillsborough School District Foundation, donating generously of her time, talent, and treasure. She oversaw community television coverage, provided leadership for parent volunteers, and was a valued member of the executive fundraising committee that raised $3.7 million to supplement public funding. Through her communication skills and experience in both television and radio, she appeared on the National Public Radio’s (NPR’s) All Things Considered Show, which received wide acclaim from over hundreds of listeners and subject matter experts in the fields of parenting and education.

An exemplary graduate of Delhi University, Arti earned Honors in History at Jesus and Mary College. Simultaneously, Arti attained a Diploma Elementaire in Francaise at the Alliance Francaise de New Delhi. Before college, this language student was awarded the Marker Cup for scoring the highest grades in English in Delhi, which is a testament to her multilingual fluency in English and Hindi languages.

Arti’s passion for America’s military stems from her living room as a child. Arti is the daughter of a highly decorated Indian Army Brigadier. Her lifelong exposure to a military service family groomed the compassion, understanding and passion Arti exemplifies today supporting America’s military, its service members, and families. Most recently, Arti displayed her commitment to the veteran community during the 2021 San Jose Veterans Day Parade in which Arti accompanied parade Grand Marshall and Foundation Board Advisor COL William Peacock. A media reporter took Arti by complete surprise and asked her why she wanted to be involved with America’s veterans. In response, Arti without hesitation passionately replied with heartfelt comments: “To see America’s servicemen and women thanked and appreciated for the freedoms that exist that benefit my family including my two children, in the United States.”


Donate today and transform lives for America’s heroes. Every single penny contributes to delivering the honor, respect gratitude and healing to those who’ve defended America’s freedom.

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Donate by Check

Please complete a Pledge/Gift Form and send it along with your check payable to VETERANS MEMORIAL & SUPPORT FOUNDATION OF LOS GATOS. If you're donating in honor of someone, please write that in the memo of your check.

Tax receipts will be mailed within four to eight weeks after the donation has been processed.

Donate Stock

We're able to accept donations in the form of stock, government (including municipal) debt and corporate debt through the Depository Trust Company (DTC). For security, settlement and reduced paperwork, electronic transfer through the DTC is preferred. This can be arranged from most brokerage accounts.  Please see our section Make a Gift of Securities and complete a Pledge / Gift Form if you prefer to make a stock donation.

Please contact for more information on making a stock donation.

P.O. BOX 1696

VETERANS MEMORIAL & SUPPORT FOUNDATION OF LOS GATOS is a U.S. tax-exempt public charity, EIN #46-1338469, accepted and registered with the IRS under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).

Donation Total: $50.00


ed stahl"It is important to have a war memorial because it must not be forgotten that many people gave their lives so that we Americans might have what we have today."
Ed StahlCEO, Travel Advisors of Los Gatos
Dr. Clyde HornA Memorial creates an actual place where veterans, all who serve their country and families of all races, creeds, social status and opinion can find a place that creates a healing environment to reflect and value one of our greatest gifts--to live in a free society.
Dr. Clyde HornWounded Combat Veteran, Psychotherapist, Photographer, Vietnam Veteran, Purple Heart Recipient, Honorary Board Member
jim free "Going clear back to the Civil War, all of our Veterans have raised their right hand and swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.   And along with that we wrote a check to the U.S. Government and the American People for an amount up to and including our lives.  Unfortunately, far too many have given their all in that regard."
James FreeChairman Emeritus, Campbell Veterans Memorial Foundation
ed stahl"It is important to have a war memorial because it must not be forgotten that many people gave their lives so that we Americans might have what we have today."
Ed StahlCEO, Travel Advisors of Los Gatos
Dr. Clyde HornA Memorial creates an actual place where veterans, all who serve their country and families of all races, creeds, social status and opinion can find a place that creates a healing environment to reflect and value one of our greatest gifts--to live in a free society.
Dr. Clyde HornWounded Combat Veteran, Psychotherapist, Photographer, Vietnam Veteran, Purple Heart Recipient, Honorary Board Member