VMSF Gifts Committee Meeting
Discussion will include current donor opportunities and the Wall of Gratitude. Invitees include the following: Kent Hillhouse Stephen Guruwaiya Fran Harvey Ellen Manzo William E Peacock Rob Stephenson John Lochner […]
Discussion will include current donor opportunities and the Wall of Gratitude. Invitees include the following: Kent Hillhouse Stephen Guruwaiya Fran Harvey Ellen Manzo William E Peacock Rob Stephenson John Lochner […]
Topic: Veterans Foundation Gifts Committee Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89403003604?pwd=VDZQOEdkdGoyZkxMMk5PemJlbFdtUT09 Meeting ID: 894 0300 3604 Passcode: 07041776 --- One tap mobile +16694449171,,89403003604#,,,,*07041776# […]